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The latest theory and practice in the use of light for health


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In the rush to create commercially viable, beautiful spaces and buildings, we have forgotten just how important light is to our bodies. Therefore we should think more deeply about the design techniques and lighting equipment we use. In these grey dull days of winter surely no one would deny the impact of light on our physiological and psychological well-being? However, natural and artificial light can play a major role in our health throughout the year - and there is a huge number of directions for light-based research and treatment. Sometimes it seems that for every cautious scientist or engineer carefully documenting a new study, there are a thousand or more 'alternative practitioners' or manufacturers ready to misinterpret their results and confuse the public. The trouble is there is so much that isn't yet known about our bodies' reactions to light at a cellular level, it's important to keep an open mind, because the craziest crackpot might just be right. And if there is still so much to discover at the molecular level, it follows that there is just as much left to consider within the context of environmental lighting design.



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