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Environmentalism in the Balance


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During the oral argument in Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen in 2004, Justice Stephen Breyer, brushing back a correction by the counsel for the environmental respondents, quipped, "You're against bad environment. All right. We're all against that." But, if we're all against a bad environment, why has the Supreme Court rejected environmentalist positions in many of its decisions, limiting protections and distancing itself from the values and beliefs that have animated the movement? From my cultural analysis of environmental cases, the story may be discouraging for environmentalists. In a number of the cases I examine, the Court rejected or questioned the urgent priority for environmental concerns that was the movement's motivating force. As an example, although it reached a proenvironment result in TVA v. Hill, the snail darter case, the Court insinuated its view that saving an obscure species of "little fish" at the expense of a virtually completed dam was not sensible.
机译:在2004年美国运输部诉公共公民部的口头辩论中,斯蒂芬·布雷耶法官(Stephen Breyer)驳回了律师对环境受访者的更正,开玩笑说:“您反对恶劣的环境。好的。我们都反对这一点。 。”但是,如果我们都面对恶劣的环境,为什么最高法院在许多判决中都拒绝环保主义者的立场,限制保护并使自己远离推动运动的价值观和信念?从我对环境案件的文化分析来看,这个故事可能对环境保护主义者不鼓励。在我所审查的一些案件中,法院拒绝或质疑了作为运动动机的环境问题的紧迫优先事项。举例来说,尽管它在蜗牛袭击者TVA诉Hill一案中达到了有利于环境的结果,但法院暗示其观点,即以一座几乎完工的大坝为代价来保存一种晦涩的“小鱼”物种是不明智的。



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