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EPA Must Be an Active Agent of Change


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Fredrick Douglass said that America glories in its refinement, but continues to maintain a dreadful system begun in avarice, supported in pride, and perpetuated in cruelty. The subordination and oppression of the non-elite and non-entitled is now reaching crisis level.For decades we have known that there is a direct correlation between race, income, socioeco-nomic status, and the amount of environmental degradation people are forced to endure. Flint, Michigan, and Franklin, Indiana, are prime examples of how racism and classism create a persistent, inter-generational pattern of differentiation in relation to risks and harms. Whether intentionally or not, EPA and the regulatory elites have promulgated so-called "neutral rules" that perpetuate an ever-growing environmental caste system.Black Lives Matter and Stop AAPI Hate typify the call for a system of governance that does not default to the template that has for decades oppressed and subordinated rural communities, poor communities, and communities of color. EPA must stop being a knowing or unknowing participant in regulatory oppression and become an active agent of change. This type of equitable social change is only possible when all people are seen as important and all "the important people" are seated at the regulatory table.
机译:Fredrick Douglass说,美国荣耀在其改进中,但继续保持令人恐惧的系统,在贪婪中骄傲地支持,并在残酷地延续。非精英和非题为的从属和压迫现已达到危机水平。对于几十年来,我们已知比赛,收入,社会学的地位与环境退化金额直接相关,人们被迫忍受。印第安纳州弗林特,密歇根州和富兰克林是种族主义和古典主义如何创造一种与风险和危害相关的持久性,世代的区别模式的素质。无论是故意还是不是,EPA和监管精英都颁布了所谓的“中立规则”,这延续了一个不断增长的环境种姓系统。将生活和停止AAPI讨厌为不违约的治理制度拨打电话几十年压迫和次级农村社区,贫困社区和群落的模板。环保署必须停止在监管压迫中的了解或不知情的参与者,成为变革的活跃代理人。只有当所有人被视为重要而“重要人民”都坐在监管桌上,这类公平的社会变革才有可能。



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