首页> 外文期刊>The design journal >A Shift in the Research Des Approach; Reporting on the Complexities of the Application of Human Centred Design and the Co-Design Process in a Library Setting

A Shift in the Research Des Approach; Reporting on the Complexities of the Application of Human Centred Design and the Co-Design Process in a Library Setting


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This paper reports on a practice-based study, re-evaluating the brand and wayfinding design of the Sasolburg Public Library (SPL) through the integration of Human-Centred Design (HCD) thinking, Participatory Action Research (PAR) and the HCD IDEO toolkit. Findings suggest that although HCD is valuable within the realm of research, the integration of HCD processes in practice inhibited the successful finalization of a design outcome, within a library setting. Considering this, tensions are confirmed between the design in practice and the democracy embedded within HCD. By recognizing identified tensions, suggestions are made to better accommodate the divergent roles of the designer and community participant - allowing each to remain a specialist within their designated fields. The findings of this study contribute to the HCD process and its integration within design practice.
机译:本文报告了一项基于实践的研究,通过整合以人为本的设计(HCD)思维,参与式行动研究(PAR)和HCD IDEO工具包,重新评估了萨索尔堡公共图书馆(SPL)的品牌和寻路设计。研究结果表明,尽管HCD在研究领域中很有价值,但在实践中将HCD流程整合在一起会阻碍在图书馆环境中成功完成设计结果。考虑到这一点,在实践中的设计与嵌入在HCD中的民主制度之间的紧张关系得以确认。通过认识到已确定的紧张关系,提出了一些建议,以更好地适应设计师和社区参与者的不同角色-允许每个人在其指定领域内保持专业水平。这项研究的发现有助于HCD流程及其在设计实践中的整合。



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