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Weather For The World: Avidyne's Wx Series


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While the Big Three begging for bucks in Washington may be construed as another example of American business ineptitude, take heart: We lead the world in at least one edge-of-tech-nology arena-aircraft weather datalink. In fact, datalink is so well-established that you can have it in your car, your boat and your airplane without a second thought.rnMeanwhile, the rest of the world can only watch in envy so it was just a matter of time before someone stitched together the technology to give the rest of the world datalink and that someone is Avidyne.rnThis fall, the company announced a new product-really a combination of hardware, technology and data-called the Entegra WX Series. For U.S. pilots lolling in the luxury of XM- or Sirius-delivered color NEXRAD, this new service may seem a little five-minutes ago, but aspects of it do offer wider coverage for forays outside of the U.S. and it can backup XM- and Sirius-based sources with yet another satellite system.
机译:虽然三巨头在华盛顿乞讨的行为可能被解释为美国企业不称职的另一个例子,但请振作起来:我们在至少一个技术前沿的竞技场-飞机天气数据链路中处于世界领先地位。实际上,数据链路已建立得非常完善,您可以不加思索地将它放在汽车,船上和飞机上。rn同时,世界其他地区只能羡慕不已,因此,某人只是时间问题这项技术结合在一起,可以提供世界各地的数据链路,而有人就是Avidyne。今年秋天,该公司宣布了一种真正的结合了硬件,技术和数据的新产品,称为Entegra WX系列。对于在XM或Sirius交付的彩色NEXRAD上感到奢侈的美国飞行员而言,这项新服务似乎在五分钟前就出现了,但是它的某些方面确实为美国以外的地区提供了更广阔的覆盖范围,并且可以备份XM-和基于天狼星的信号源和另一个卫星系统。



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