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The expanding 'geek-o-vision'


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Google's logo might well be the world's most-viewed piece of design - which is odd, because those jolly, serif-ish, multicoloured letters look more typed in than designed. Its graphic tropes are from a desktop publishing pattern book: gratuitous use of colour; drop-shadowed and awkwardly-sized. They are often embellished with a clip-art drawing, celebrating the significance of a date, such as Hallowe'en. The result looks like something a primary school teacher might print and laminate, rather than the moniker of one of the most innovative technology and media corporations. But that might be why it works, a triumph of geekish blindness to the niceties of design. It's at odds with both Apple's hyper-refined aesthetics and Microsoft's over-cooked concoctions of compromise. Google's search and results pages seem un-spun, somehow more honest than those worked over by branding experts and designers.
机译:Google的徽标很可能是世界上观看次数最多的设计作品-这很奇怪,因为那些快活,衬线状,彩色的字母看起来比设计的要多。它的图形主题来自一本桌面出版的模式书:免费使用颜色;阴影阴影和笨拙的大小。他们经常用剪贴画点缀,以庆祝日期的意义,例如万圣节。结果看起来像是小学老师可能会打印和层压的东西,而不是最创新的技术和媒体公司之一的绰号。但这可能就是它起作用的原因,这是对设计精美性的极度盲目胜利。这与苹果公司的高超美学和微软过度煮熟的折衷方案都不相符。 Google的搜索和结果页面似乎没有经过精心处理,比品牌专家和设计师所研究的页面更为诚实。



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