首页> 外文期刊>The Analyst >Consensus multivariate methods in gas chromatography mass spectrometry and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis: MHC-congenic and other strains of mice can be classified according to the profiles of volatiles and microflora in their scent-marks

Consensus multivariate methods in gas chromatography mass spectrometry and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis: MHC-congenic and other strains of mice can be classified according to the profiles of volatiles and microflora in their scent-marks


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House mice (Mus domesticus) communicate using scent-marks, and the chemical and microbialncomposition of these ‘extended phenotypes’ are both influenced by genetics. This study examined hownthe genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and background genes influence the volatilencompounds (analysed with Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry or GC/MS) and microbialncommunities (analysed using Denaturating Gradient Gel Electrophoresis or DGGE) in scent-marksnproduced by congenic strains of mice. The use of Consensus Principal Components Analysis isndescribed and shows relationships between the two types of fingerprints (GC/MS and DGGE profiles).nClassification methods including Support Vector Machines and Discriminant Partial Least Squaresnsuggest that mice can be classified according to both background strain and MHC-haplotype. Asnexpected, the differences among the mice were much greater between strains that vary at both MHCnand background loci than the congenics, which differ only at the MHC. These results indicate that thenvolatiles in scent-marks provide information about genetic similarity of the mice, and support the ideanthat the production of these genetically determined volatiles is influenced by commensal microflora.nThis paper describes the application of consensus methods to relate two blocks of analytical data.
机译:家鼠(家鼠)使用气味标记进行交流,而这些“扩展表型”的化学和微生物组成均受遗传学影响。这项研究检查了主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)的基因和背景基因如何影响同系菌株产生的气味标记中的挥发性化合物(通过气相色谱质谱法(GC / MS)分析)和微偏界(使用变性梯度凝胶电泳或DGGE分析)。的老鼠。描述了共识主成分分析的使用,并显示了两种指纹类型(GC / MS和DGGE配置文件)之间的关系。n分类方法(包括支持向量机和判别偏最小二乘法)建议可以根据背景株和MHC-M对小鼠进行分类单倍型。出乎意料的是,小鼠之间的差异在MHCn和背景位点均不同的品系之间的差异要比仅在MHC上有所差异的同系物更大。这些结果表明,气味标记中的挥发物提供了有关小鼠遗传相似性的信息,并支持了这些遗传确定的挥发物的产生受共生菌群影响的想法。n本文介绍了采用共识方法将两个分析数据块相关联的应用。 。



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