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Air Flow Through Textiles at High Differential Pressures


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Air flow through fabrics at ralatively high differntial pressures is studied both experimentally and theoretically. An extensiion of a previous model fro fluid flow through a bed a fibes takes into account the geometric irregulatities and deflection of the fibers, successfully predicting that the pressure drop acorss the fabric is a linear function of the air flow rate up to the pressure corresponding to critical flow conditions. It also correctly predicts values for the elastic moduli of the vaious fibers. The influence of fiber swelling induced by wetting on air permeability is examined. At high differential pressures (55 kPa), a decreased air flow rate is found only for wool fabrics. Under the conditions of the standard fabric air permeability test (differential pressure 12.3 Pa), water blocking the channels in the wet fabric is not removed, so the air premeability is much less than that for the conditioned fabric.
机译:实验和理论上都研究了在较高的压差下通过织物的气流。流过纤维床的流体的先前模型的扩展考虑到了纤维的几何不规则性和挠度,成功地预测出压降与织物一致是空气流速直至对应于压力的线性函数临界流动条件。它还可以正确预测各种纤维的弹性模量值。研究了由润湿引起的纤维溶胀对透气性的影响。在高压差(55 kPa)下,仅羊毛织物的空气流速降低。在标准织物透气性测试(压差为12.3 Pa)的条件下,不会除去阻塞湿织物中通道的水,因此空气的渗透性远低于调节后的织物。



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