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'It is not true that the UK is the most competitive European market. Germany is'


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As the new head of RTL Group, Gerhard Zeiler oversees a media empire that spans eight countries and 23 television stations. To keep him on his mettle, he intends to continue doing his old job, running Germany's biggest TV network, RTL Germany. No wonder he starts to bristle when the only subject that British reporters ever seem to ask him about since he succeeded Didier Bellens in March is if the group intends to sell Five. "The answer is no," Zeiler insists, not quite banging the boardroom table when the inevitable question arises halfway through our interview. "It contains two letters: N and O. Why should we want to sell?" Not even if, as well-informed sources suggest, a cheque for a cool £800m is placed in a sealed envelope? "Look," continues Zeiler, sounding not a little exasperated, "You've got to look at what RTL is and where we want to be. We are a pan-European broadcast company that is number one in the German market, number two in France.
机译:作为RTL Group的新负责人,Gerhard Zeiler负责管理一个横跨8个国家和23个电视台的媒体帝国。为了让他保持勇气,他打算继续做他的老工作,经营德国最大的电视网络RTL Germany。自从三月份他接替迪迪埃·贝伦斯以来,英国记者似乎一直问他的唯一话题是,该集团是否打算出售“五人”,这也就不足为奇了。 Zeiler坚持说:“答案是否定的。”当不可避免的问题在我们采访的中途出现时,Zeiler并没有敲定董事会席位。 “它包含两个字母:N和O。我们为什么要出售?”即使如消息灵通的消息所建议的那样,即使将800万英镑的酷支票放在密封的信封中也没有? “看,” Zeiler继续说道,“您必须了解RTL是什么以及我们想要成为什么。我们是一家泛欧广播公司,在德国市场排名第一,排名第二在法国。



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