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'All about Nothing': Difference, Affect, and Seinfeld


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Drawing on Lawrence Grossberg's work on affect, difference, and postmodernity, this article discusses Seinfeld as emblematic of new cultural forms that produce temporary structures of difference out of a general indifference or sameness. The author begins by discussing how incessant commodification of difference in advertising and consumer culture compromises the ability and desire of many people to make stable and lasting investments of affect in many traditional forms of difference. In this context, it is argued that Seinfelds appeal lies not so much in the comic defamiliarization of everyday life but in the creation of privatized strategies of ironic agency that allow the show's characters to create something out of nothing, difference out of sameness. The author concludes by assessing the broader political implications that attend these forms of agency.
机译:借鉴劳伦斯·格罗斯伯格(Lawrence Grossberg)在情感,差异和后现代性方面的工作,本文讨论了塞恩菲尔德(Seinfeld)作为新文化形式的象征,这种文化形式由于普遍的冷漠或相同而产生了暂时的差异结构。作者首先讨论了广告和消费者文化差异的不断商品化如何损害许多人以许多传统形式的差异进行稳定而持久的情感投资的能力和愿望。在这种情况下,有人认为,塞恩费尔德的吸引力不仅仅在于漫画对日常生活的陌生化,而在于创造具有讽刺意味的私有化策略,该策略使演出的人物从无到有,从异同中创造出某种东西。作者的结论是评估了这些代理机构的广泛政治影响。



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