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Exploring elderly users' MSNS intermittent discontinuance: A dual-mechanism model


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Intermittent discontinuance behavior has become one of the significant obstacle factors to hinder the rapid development of elderly user MSNS market. However, most previous studies of intermittent discontinuance ignored the elderly group. Meanwhile, the prior studies rarely explored the inhibitors and disclosed the whole cognitive and emotion forming phase of intermittent discontinuance. To fill these gaps, the present study targets the elderly group and develops a dual mechanism model from both "enabling-inhibiting" and "appraisal-emotional reaction-coping response" perspectives. The empirical study based on the survey of 307 Chinese elderly MSNS users demonstrates that, in enabling mechanism, excluding the social overload, information and system feature overload can increase the elderly users' fatigue, which will further trigger intermittent discontinuance. In inhibiting mechanism, excepting the autonomy need satisfaction, relatedness and competence need satisfaction from the MSNS have positive association with the elderly users' emotional attachment towards MSNS, which will further decrease the intermittent discontinuance. The findings imply that, for the coexistence of enabling and inhibiting mechanism, the service providers should not only decrease the overload-fatigue based enablers but also increase the need satisfaction-attachment based inhibitors to control the intermittent discontinuance.
机译:间歇性停止行为已成为阻碍老年用户快速发展的重要障碍因素之一。然而,最先前的间歇性停留研究忽略了老年群体。同时,先前的研究很少探索抑制剂并透露了间歇停留的整个认知和情感形成阶段。为了填补这些差距,目前的研究针对老年人组织,并从“有能力抑制”和“鉴定 - 情绪反应应对反应”的观点来发展双重机制模型。基于307名中国老人MSNS用户的实证研究表明,在启用机制,不包括社会过载,信息和系统功能过载可以增加老年用户的疲劳,这将进一步触发间歇性的中断。在抑制机制中,除了自主权需求满足,相关性和能力从MSNS与老年人对MSN的情感依恋有积极的关联,这将进一步降低间歇性停止。结果意味着,对于支持和抑制机制的共存,服务提供商不仅可以减少基于过载的疲劳的推动者,而且还增加基于需求的基于依赖性附着的抑制剂来控制间歇性的停止。



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