
The Wireless Boom


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The nascent personal communi-cations services (PCS) industry has faced so many problems, it's difficult to see how it could be considered a success. News of failed service launches, bankruptcies from the C-block licensees, and antenna siting nightmares suffered by nearly every carrier, has swirled around the industry for months. Yet dozens of PCS carriers have risen above the problems to gain a solid footing in the competitive marketplace, and they are giving the incumbent cellular providers a run for their money. According to a recent report by the Strategis Group, there will be an estimated 8.2 million PCS subscribers in the United States by the end of this year. The top 50 markets all have at least one operating PCS carrier and nearly 50 markets have at least two. Many analysts predict that PCS carriers will surpass the incumbents in the number of new subscribers within the next few months.
机译:新生的个人通信服务(PCS)行业面临着许多问题,很难看到如何将其视为成功。服务发射失败,C-block许可证持有人破产以及几乎每个运营商都遭受天线选址噩梦的消息在整个行业中流传了几个月。然而,许多PCS运营商已经克服了这些难题,在竞争激烈的市场中获得了坚实的立足之地,并且它们正在为现有的蜂窝电话提供商提供资金。根据Strategis Group的最新报告,到今年年底,美国估计将有820万PCS用户。前50个市场都至少有一个运营中的PCS运营商,近50个市场中至少有两个。许多分析家预测,PCS运营商将在未来几个月内超过新订户数量。



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