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Swedish snooping law attracts unprecedented resistance


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An array of businesses, politicians and consumer groups have moved to block legislation that would allow Sweden's security service to monitor all Internet traffic crossing the country's borders. Fifteen senior conservative Swedish MPs have formed a group to annul the recently approved surveillance law (FRA) before it comes into force at the end of the year. The group of rebel MPs is expected to pass a motion in Sweden's parliament to have FRA revoked. When the law was approved in June, only one conservative MP voted against it, but a challenge by a further 14 MPs is likely to succeed in overturning the law, which was passed by only five votes. Public furore created by the FRA is also likely to swell the ranks of rebel MPs, who have risen in number from six to 15 in a matter of weeks.
机译:一系列企业,政客和消费者团体已采取行动,以阻止立法,该立法将使瑞典的安全部门能够监控跨越该国边界的所有互联网流量。十五名瑞典保守派高级国会议员组成一个小组,以废除最近批准的《监视法》(FRA),该法将于今年年底生效。预计该叛乱议员将在瑞典议会中通过一项动议,要求撤销FRA。当该法律在6月获得批准时,只有一名保守党议员对该法案投了反对票,但另外14名议员的挑战很可能会推翻该法律,该法案仅以5票获得通过。 FRA造成的公众愤怒也可能使叛乱议员的人数激增,他们在短短几周内从6名增加到15名。



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