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A lack of higher Internet speeds in schools could slow implementation of digital textbooks andnonline assessments designed to replace standardized tests, said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncannat NCTA's Cable Show Wednesday. Urging the cable industry to support President Barack Obama's recentlynannounced initiative to improve school bandwidth, Duncan said to take advantage of the latestnwave of education resources, “most schools will require bandwidth they don't have right now.” FCCnCommissioner Jessica Rosenworcel said she expects her agency's efforts to make Obama's ConnectEDninitiative happen to be “well under way” by the start of the school year in the fall, though she said it wouldn“take a lot of work.” Rosenworcel said the effort represents a chance to update policies and infrastructurenthat haven’t been updated since 1998, the era of the “Information Superhighway.” Duncan said the cablenindustry needed to assist with ConnectED “as fast as you can," saying providing schools with faster Internetncould be accomplished for a small fee added on to monthly cable bills, which he compared to the pricenof a postage stamp. Duncan said digital textbooks could represent a significant change for students, sincentypically textbooks are purchased in seven-year cycles. “We know information is changing by the minute,”nsaid Duncan. “In education, we change far too slowly." Discovery Education Senior Vice PresidentnScott Kinney said that with digital textbooks, educators can “take that content and literally update it overnight."nDuncan told the NCTA audience that he hoped children would look back and “know the cable industryndid the right thing.” Technology has changed how teachers and parents deal with education, DouglasnLevin, State Educational Technology Directors Association (STEDA) executive director, also said atnthe show Wednesday. Technology is different because kids have access to smartphones and tablets andnthe content is rich, said Levin. For educators to make full use of this technology, they must understandnhow to use it, said executives from Common Sense Media, Discovery Education, STEDA, Cable in thenClassroom and Partnership for 21st Century Skills. While 96 percent of teachers think technology programsnare important to prepare young people for their future, only 18 percent understand how to bringntechnology into the classroom, according to the Leading Education by Advancing Digital Commission, angroup that advises the FCC and Department of Education. This technology enhances teaching and learningnbecause it speeds up the delivery of content and teachers can get updated information overnight. "Wendeliver our services over a browser on a cloud platform. When the Higgs Boson particle was discovered,nwe had the capability with this cloud database to include an article or video that is published overnight sonteachers who go back that service, they have access to that content," Kinney told us. Common Sense MedianPresident Amy Guggenheim Shenkan identified three key initiatives for the organization. It wants tonempower parents to make good decisions about what their kids should watch, create learning ratings tonassess potential in digital content and deal with education to help kids and educators develop learning insidenand outside the classroom, she said. "We want to create a learning system for consumers and make itneasy for educators to find great content," said Shenkan. Creating digital citizenship education was key tonCable in the Classroom and Common Sense Media. "We want to have Internet safety and security and fornkids to have a positive media footprint," said Frank Gallagher, Cable in the Classroom executive director.nClose to half of the K-12 schools across the country use Common Sense digital literacy media, said Shenkan. Shifts in technology allow schools to meet long-standing goals that were previously unachievable,nsaid Levin. As school districts continue to slash budgets, schools are "trying to meet their needs withntechnology" while they are "starting to compete with schools at a global level," said STEDA's Levin.n"Learning is 24/7 and opportunities need to be available inside and outside the classroom," he said. Systemsnneed to focus on student needs, said Steve Paine, Partnership for 21st Century Skills president.n"Good systems are student-focused and student-centered. Technology in the hands of an unskilled teachernis irresponsible," said Paine.
机译:美国教育部长阿恩·唐纳纳特(NCTA)在有线电视节目周三表示,学校缺乏更高的互联网速度可能会减慢旨在取代标准化考试的数字教科书和非线性评估的实施。邓肯敦促电缆行业支持巴拉克·奥巴马总统最近宣布的改善学校带宽的计划,他利用最新的教育资源浪潮,“大多数学校将需要他们目前没有的带宽。” FCCn专员Jessica Rosenworcel表示,她希望她的机构为使奥巴马的ConnectEDNinitiative所做的努力在秋季学期开始时“正在顺利进行”,尽管她表示这将“花费很多工作”。 Rosenworcel表示,这项工作为更新自1998年“信息高速公路”时代以来从未更新过的政策和基础架构提供了机会。邓肯说,有线电视行业需要“尽快”为ConnectED提供帮助,他说向学校提供更快的互联网可以通过向有线电视每月收取少量费用来实现,而这与邮票的价格相比要低得多。对于学生来说,这可能代表着巨大的变化,因为通常以七年为周期购买教科书。邓肯说:“我们知道信息每时每刻都在变化。在教育方面,我们变化得太慢了。”愉景教育高级副总裁n斯科特·金尼(Scott Kinney)表示,借助数字教科书,教育工作者可以“在一整夜里获取这些内容,并从字面上进行更新。” nDuncan告诉NCTA听众,他希望孩子们会回头并“知道电缆行业知道正确的事情。”州立教育技术总监协会(STEDA)执行主任道格拉斯·莱文(DouglasnLevin)周三在atnthe show上表示,技术改变了教师和家长的教育方式,技术有所不同,因为孩子们可以使用智能手机和平板电脑,而且内容丰富。来自常识媒体,发现教育,STEDA,当时有线教室和21世纪技能合作伙伴关系的高管表示,教育者要充分利用这项技术,他们必须了解如何使用它。96%的教师认为技术课程对于培养年轻一代至关重要。根据FCC和教育部的建议,先进数字委员会领先教育组织(American Leading Education by Advancing Digital Commission)表示,对于未来的人们而言,只有18%的人知道如何将技术带入课堂。老师们可以在一夜之间获得最新信息。通过云平台上的浏览器进行攻击。当发现希格斯玻色子粒子时,我们就可以使用此云数据库包含文章或视频,这些文章或视频可以在一夜之间发布返回到该服务的儿子老师,他们可以访问该内容。” Kinney告诉我们。常识中心主席Amy Guggenheim她说,Shenkan确定了该组织的三个关键举措,希望父母有权对孩子应该看什么做出正确的决定,制定学习评级以提升数字内容的潜力,并应对教育问题,以帮助孩子和教育者在教室内外进行学习。 Shenkan表示:“我们希望为消费者创建一个学习系统,并使教育者不易找到丰富的内容。在教室和常识性媒体中,创建数字公民教育是关键。我们希望拥有互联网的安全性和安全性。 fornkid才能在媒体上留下积极的印记。”“课堂中的有线电视执行董事Frank Gallagher说。”申坎说,全国K-12学校中有f个使用常识数字素养媒体。莱文说,技术的变化使学校能够实现以前无法实现的长期目标。 STEDA的Levin表示,随着学区继续削减预算,学校“正试图通过技术来满足其需求”,而学校却“开始在全球范围内与学校竞争”。学习是24/7,需要有机会在教室内外,”他说。二十一世纪技能联盟总裁史蒂夫·潘恩(Steve Paine)说,系统需要专注于学生的需求。n“良好的系统以学生为中心,以学生为中心。技术由不熟练的教师掌握是不负责任的,”潘恩说。


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    《Telecom A.M.》 |2013年第114期|15-16|共2页
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