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The Evolution Of Street Fighter


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To commemorate the release of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and Street Fighter IV, lets take a brief look at how this awesome franchise has evolved over the years. The original Street Fighter II was first released in the Japanese arcades way back in 1991. It instantly became a hit. When SF Il was brought to the worldwide gaming community in July 1992 on the SNES console, it earned a lot of praise for being nothing less than a technical marvel; one of the very first titles to ship with 16 megs of memory, making it one of the best arcade ports at the time. Just like today, we compare the PlayStation 3 to the Xbox 360, in the 90s the arcade factor used to be the scale for measuring up the power of a console. The system that could deliver the most or the 'arcade-perfect' experience was considered the winner. Ironically, this never ending quest for arcade-perfection left the gaming community a bit disappointed. Stuff like poor sound effects, music, voices, shrunken characters and choppy animation was common place. SF II: Special Champion Edition for the Genesis console was an example of this. But over time, the game creators and coders expanded their skill levels and became a lot more comfortable at developing for consoles and the conversions got better in quality and much closer to the arcade.
机译:为了纪念《超级街头霸王II》 Turbo HD Remix和《街头霸王IV》的发行,让我们简要回顾一下这些超棒的系列在过去几年中的发展。原始的《街头霸王II》于1991年在日本的街机上首次发布,立即大受欢迎。当SF Il于1992年7月在SNES控制台上带入全球游戏界时,它以技术上的奇观而赢得了许多赞誉。最早提供16兆内存的游戏之一,使其成为当时最佳的街机游戏之一。就像今天一样,我们将PlayStation 3与Xbox 360进行了比较,在90年代,街机因素曾经是衡量控制台功能的尺度。可以提供最多或“完美商场”体验的系统被认为是赢家。具有讽刺意味的是,对街机完美无休止的追求使游戏界感到有些失望。诸如不良音效,音乐,声音,缩影人物和断断续续的动画之类的东西很常见。 SF II:Genesis控制台的特别冠军版就是一个例子。但是随着时间的流逝,游戏创作者和编码人员提高了技能水平,并且变得更加乐于开发游戏机,并且转换的质量越来越好,距离街机越来越近。



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