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Spotting Cancer Sooner


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The individual fates of the 1.3 million Americans diagnosed with cancer this year will be largely decided by one simple factor: at what stage was the disease spotted? Ovarian cancer offers a fearsome example. Because of its vague symptoms, it is usually ignored or misdiagnosed, sometimes for years. Eighty percent of patients don't find out they have it until it's spread beyond the ovaries. At that point, it is usually incurable; only one patient in three survives five years after diagnosis. On the other hand, surgery can cure 90 percent of patients whose cancer is detected while still confined to the ovary. Even notoriously lethal cancers of the lung and pancreas are anything but a death sentence, if caught early enough. "Cancers can almost always be cured by simple, classical surgical techniques, if they're detected early," says Bert Vogelstein, a molecular geneticist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Johns Hopkins.
机译:今年被诊断出患有癌症的130万美国人的个人命运将在很大程度上取决于一个简单的因素:在什么阶段发现了这种疾病?卵巢癌就是一个可怕的例子。由于其模糊的症状,通常会被忽略或误诊,有时会持续数年。 80%的患者直到它扩散到卵巢之外时才发现自己有它。在这一点上,它通常是无法治愈的;只有三分之一的患者在诊断后可以存活五年。另一方面,手术可以治愈90%仍被发现在卵巢内的癌症患者。如果能及早发现,即使是众所周知的致死性肺癌和胰腺癌也不过是死刑。约翰霍普金斯大学霍华德·休斯医学研究所的分子遗传学家贝特·沃格斯坦说:“如果能及早发现,几乎可以通过简单的经典外科手术技术治愈癌症。”



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