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Innovation, lifestyle, policy and socioeconomic factors: An analysis of European quality of life


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The need to innovate in order to adapt to continuous changes in the environment affects all production units, but this may be particularly true of the health sector, which is key to ensuring healthy lives. However, the day-to-day running of a country absorbs nearly all its economic resources, with health innovation being consistently overlooked and only coming to the fore in isolated cases of public emergencies. This research has a twofold objective. First, it analyses the efficiency of national expenditure on research and development (R&D) in the health sector and the changes in productivity that occurred in the period 2009-2017, using DEA-Bootstrap and the Global Malmquist Index. Second, regression models are used to quantify the relative importance of said efficiency for the health status of the population, introducing other aspects that a priori could also be expected to affect this status. The sample is composed of 23 European OECD countries, and a biennial data analysis is carried out to ensure the results are stable over time, as well as to study the particular case of each of the countries analysed. The results reveal that efficiency is not determined by the volume of resources allocated to health innovation. The budget that Norway assigns to R&D in the health sector is only a quarter that of Germany's, but it more efficiently transforms that spending into quality of life. In addition, the level of happiness, the country's wealth, and spending on health are the factors that have the greatest effect on the perceived health status of the European population.
机译:为了适应环境的不断变化的需要,需要进行创新影响所有生产单位,但卫生部门可能尤其如此,这是确保健康生活的关键。然而,一个国家的日常运行几乎吸收了其所有经济资源,卫生创新始终被忽视,并且只能在公共紧急情况下孤立的案件中出现。这项研究具有双重目标。首先,分析了卫生部门研究和开发(研发)的国家支出效率,以及使用DEA-Bootstrap和全球Malmquist指数期间的2009 - 2017年期间发生的生产力的变化。其次,回归模型用于量化所述人口健康状况的效率的相对重要性,引入了其他方面,即最先前可能会影响这种状态。该样本由23个欧洲经合组织国家组成,并进行两年一年的数据分析,以确保结果随着时间的推移稳定,以及研究每个国家分析的各国的特定情况。结果表明,效率不是由分配给健康创新的资源量确定的。挪威在卫生部门的研发分配的预算只有德国的四分之一,但它更有效地转化为生命的质量。此外,幸福水平,国家的财富和健康支出是对欧洲人口的感知健康状况影响最大的因素。



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