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Preserving digital materials, 3rd edition


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The growing body of literature on digital preservation has not recently included a theory-based overview monograph, with mostly practical or material-specific works being published in the past five years. Harvey and Weatherburn provide a "conceptual framework for reflection on digital preservation" that incorporates academic theory as well as perspectives from practitioners in this third edition of Preserving Digital Materials. This handbook is aimed not just at informational professionals, but at anyone interested in digital preservation. Indeed, a theme of this new edition is that many new stakeholders outside the traditional world of galleries, libraries, archives, and museums are now engaged in the work of digital preservation. The book is organized into four parts covering why, what, and how materials are digitally preserved, as well as collaboration and the future of the field. The 4 parts are divided into 10 chapters with notes, and the book ends with a bibliography of resources grouped for easy identification to encourage further reflection and research. The index is thorough. The authors comprehensively approach the topic and have added many new literature references since the second edition. Also, new to this edition is a practitioner perspective; the first two editions were authored by only Mr. Harvey. Throughout the book, the authors balance the academic and practitioner perspective to provide a comprehensive and modern view of the field's concerns.
机译:数字保存的文献越来越多的文献尚未包括基于理论的概览专着,主要是在过去五年中发表的实用或更具资格的作品。 Harvey和Weatherburn提供了一个“关于数字保存思考的概念框架”,其中包括学术理论以及从业人员保存数字材料的从业者的观点。这本手册不仅适用于信息专业人士,而且是在任何对数字保存感兴趣的人。实际上,这个新版的主题是,传统的画廊,图书馆,档案馆和博物馆外的许多新的利益相关者现在正在从事数字保存的工作。本书占四个部分,涵盖为什么,以及材料的数字保存,以及如何合作以及该领域的未来。 4部分分为10章,带有备注,书籍结束,其中有资源的书目,以便识别,以鼓励进一步的反思和研究。该指数是彻底的。作者全面地接近该主题,并自第二版以来增加了许多新的文献引用。此外,此版本的新是一种从业者的观点;前两个版本仅由哈维先生撰写。在整本书中,作者平衡了学术和从业者的视角,提供了对该领域的全面而现代的观点。



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