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Using Interface Rhetoric to Understand Audience Agency in Natural History Apps


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Purpose: A wide array of apps is increasingly being developed to provide information about natural history and science for users of mobile devices. This article discusses how a better understanding of audiences' agency as they use natural history apps-i.e., their ability to take meaningful action-can help technical communicators develop more effective products. Method: I use interface rhetoric to examine key considerations of audience agency for natural history apps, focusing on five bird identification guide apps, part of a technical genre associated with historically established-though evolving-use practices. I analyze and discuss how the rhetorical choices of developers may empower audiences to understand nature or frame their interactions with nature in certain ways. Results: I identify three overlapping ways these apps function as interfaces for users: 1) to frame their audience's experience of and relations to a body of natural history knowledge, 2) to model the conventions and practices of the birding community, and 3) to frame their audience's understanding of the natural world as a whole. Conclusion: Approaching natural history guide app design with an awareness of the diverse ways in which these texts function as interfaces can help technical communicators facilitate different types of audience agency during the apps' ultimate situated use.
机译:目的:越来越多的应用程序正在开发中,以为移动设备的用户提供有关自然历史和科学的信息。本文讨论了如何在使用自然历史应用程序时更好地了解受众的代理人(即他们采取有意义的行动的能力)如何帮助技术交流者开发更有效的产品。方法:我使用界面修辞来检查自然历史应用程序的受众代理商的主要考虑因素,重点是五种鸟类识别指南应用程序,这是与历史悠久但经过发展的使用实践相关的技术类型的一部分。我分析并讨论了开发人员的花言巧语的选择如何使听众了解自然或以某种方式构建与自然的互动。结果:我确定了这些应用程序作为用户界面的三种重叠方式:1)构造受众的自然历史知识体验并与之建立联系; 2)为鸟类保护区的惯例和实践建模; 3)引导听众对整个自然世界的理解。结论:在了解自然历史指导应用程序设计的过程中,他们意识到这些文本用作界面的多种方式可以帮助技术交流者在应用程序的最终使用期间促进不同类型的受众代理。



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