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Guiguzi, China's First Treatise on Rhetoric: A Critical Translation and Commentary


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As globalization exerts a higher demand on the technical communication profession, technical communication scholars and practitioners have paid significant attention to translation/localization (St. Amant, 2000; Flammia, 2005; Gnecchi, Maylath, Mousten, Scarpa, & Vandepitte, 2011). Flammia (2005), for example, argues that instruction in writing for translation should be integrated into technical communication curriculum. According to her, technical communicators need to be prepared for the challenges of international communication and become skillful intercultural communicators and members of document translation teams. A couple of university programs have facilitated collaborations between students of technical communication and translation studies to develop their cross-cultural sensitivity and their abilities to communicate to an unfamiliar audience (Mousten, Maylath, Vandepitte, & Humbley, 2010; Verzella & Tommaso, 2014). Guiguzi, China's First Treatise on Rhetoric arrives as a timely contribution to complement and support this type of curriculum design.
机译:随着全球化对技术交流专业的更高要求,技术交流学者和从业人员对翻译/本地化给予了极大关注(St. Amant,2000; Flammia,2005; Gnecchi,Maylath,Mousten,Scarpa,&Vandepitte,2011)。例如,Flammmia(2005)认为,翻译的书面指导应纳入技术交流课程。她说,技术交流员需要为应对国际交流的挑战做好准备,并成为熟练的跨文化交流员和文件翻译团队的成员。几个大学课程促进了技术交流和翻译研究的学生之间的合作,以发展他们的跨文化敏感性和与陌生听众交流的能力(Mousten,Maylath,Vandepitte和Humbley,2010; Verzella和Tommaso,2014)。 。中国的《修辞学第一论》贵古子的到来是对这种课程设计的补充和支持的及时贡献。



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