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Complex HIV/AIDS Landscapes: Reflections on How 'Path Creation' Influenced an Action-Oriented Intervention


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This article reflects on the way in which the path creation theorem influenced an intervention designed to overcome an intractable challenge during a community-university partnership in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The intractable challenge related to the legacy of the Abstain, Be Faithful, Condomise (ABC) campaign that was mounted in the early 1990s to reduce the global impact of HIV/AIDS. Despite the context of the HIV/AIDS epidemic having shifted significantly since the ABC slogan was invented, the community partner-who focus on HIV/AIDS-related work-reported that the ABC-legacy continued to be a source of frustration in their work. In order to begin the process of overcoming the challenge, the partnership decided to go beyond the conventional boundaries of community-based HIV/AIDS discourses and develop an intervention influenced by complexity. The guiding heuristic for the design was the path creation theorem, placing special emphasis on the initial conditions, contingency, self-reinforcing mechanisms and lock-ins. The findings from the reflection indicate that concepts associated with path creation added value to the design-particularly from the perspective of incorporating processes of emergence over contingent events. The article concludes by suggesting that the path creation theorem was a flexible heuristic and that the application may have opened opportunities to explore the synergies between managing complex systems and more conventional forms of managing community-based interventions relating to HIV/AIDS.
机译:本文介绍了路径创建定理如何影响旨在克服南非林波波省社区与大学合作伙伴关系中的棘手挑战的干预措施。这项棘手的挑战与1990年代初期发起的“弃权,忠实,避孕套(ABC)”运动的遗产有关,以减少艾滋病毒/艾滋病对全球的影响。尽管自从发明ABC口号以来,艾滋病毒/艾滋病的流行已经发生了很大的变化,但专注于与HIV / AIDS相关工作的社区合作伙伴却报告说,ABC的遗产仍然使他们的工作受挫。为了开始克服挑战的过程,伙伴关系决定超越基于社区的HIV / AIDS话语的传统界限,并制定一种受复杂性影响的干预措施。设计的指导启发式是路径创建定理,特别强调了初始条件,偶然性,自我强化机制和锁定。反思的发现表明,与路径创建相关的概念为设计增加了价值,尤其是从结合偶然事件出现过程的角度来看。文章最后提出,路径创建定理是一种灵活的启发式方法,该应用程序可能为探索管理复杂系统与管理与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相关的基于社区的干预措施的更常规形式之间的协同作用提供了机会。



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