首页> 外文期刊>Sylwan >Occurrence of leaf-eating Symphyta (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) insects on native and foreign larch (Larix) species on the Rogow Forest Experiment Area

Occurrence of leaf-eating Symphyta (Hymenoptera: Symphyta) insects on native and foreign larch (Larix) species on the Rogow Forest Experiment Area


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In the years 1996-1998 on the Rogow Forest Experiment Area there were investigations carried out on Symphyia (Hymenoptera order) insects feeding on foliage of native European larch (Larix decidua) and its Polish variety (var pslonica) and 6 species and 2 varieties of larch of foreign origin (L, gmelinii, L. gmelinii, var olgensis, L. gmelinii, var prinncipis rupprechti, L. kaempferii, L. laricina, L. occirdentalis, L. sibirica, and L. sukaczewii) as well , as a hybrid of Eauropean and Japanaese larch (L. xeurolepis)`(Table I ). In the result of captures carried out (using yellow bowls)jointly 11 species of Symphyia were found: Two species (Anoplonyx bilineatus and A. pectoralis) were caught only at the mature insect stage, while 9 others (Acantholyda laricis, Aphalcia lariciphila, Anoplonyx ovatus, A. , duplex, Pristiphora erichsonii, P. wesmaeli, P bufo, Larinematus impedectus, and Oligo- nematus laricis) were found at instar stages, and it allowed to identify their trophic linkages with individual species of larch (Table 2).
机译:在1996-1998年间,在Rogow森林试验区,对以欧洲落叶松(Larix decidua)及其波兰品种(var pslonica)的叶子和6种2种变种为食的共生(膜翅目)昆虫进行了调查。国外落叶松(L,gmelinii,L. gmelinii,var olgensis,L. gmelinii,var prinncipis rupprechti,L. kaempferii,L. laricina,L. occirdentalis,L. sibirica和L. sukaczewii)欧亚落叶松和日本落叶松(L. xeurolepis)的杂种(表I)。在捕获(使用黄色碗)的结果中,共发现了11种共生藻:仅在成熟昆虫阶段捕获了2种(Anoplonyx bilineatus和A. pectoralis),而其他9种(Acantholyda laricis,Aphalcia lariciphila,Anoplonyx在幼龄期发现了卵形,卵形,双链形,Pristiphora erichsonii,韦氏疟原虫,P bufo,Larinematus impedectus和Oligonematus laricis),并使其能够鉴定其与落叶松个体的营养联系(表2)。



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