首页> 外文期刊>Swiss journal of geosciences >Earthquake focal mechanisms of the induced seismicity in 2006 and 2007 below Basel (Switzerland)

Earthquake focal mechanisms of the induced seismicity in 2006 and 2007 below Basel (Switzerland)


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To stimulate the reservoir for a "hot dry rock" geothermal project, that was initiated by a private/public consortium in the city of Basel, approximately 11500 m~3 of water were injected between December 2nd and 8th, 2006, at high pressures into a 5 km deep well. More than 10500 seismic events were recorded during the injection phase, and minor sporadic seismic activity was still occurring more than two years later. The present article documents the focal mechanisms of the 28 strongest events, with M, between 1.7 and 3.4, that have been obtained by the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) during and after the stimulation. The analysis is based on data that was recorded by a six-station borehole network, operated by the project developers, as well as by several permanent and temporary surface networks. The hypoccntcrs of the eventsrnare located inside the stimulated rock volume at depths between 4 and 5 km within the crystalline basement. Of the 28 faultplane solutions two are normal faulting mechanisms and one is a strike-slip mechanism with a strong normal component. All others are typical strike-slip mechanisms with mostly NS and EW striking nodal planes. As a consequence, the T-axes are all nearly horizontal and oriented in a NE or SW direction (mean azimuth 46 ±11 degrees) and the P-axes of the strike-slip events point in a NW or SE direction (mean azimuth 138 ± 13 degrees). Overall, the observed focal mechanisms agree with what would be expected from both the stress observations within the well and the stress field derived from the previously known natural seismicity.
机译:为了刺激由巴塞尔市的私人/公共财团发起的“热干岩”地热项目的储层,在2006年12月2日至8日之间,高压注入了约11500 m〜3的水。 5公里深的井。在注入阶段记录了10500多个地震事件,两年后仍发生少量零星地震活动。本文记录了瑞士地震局(SED)在刺激过程中和刺激后获得的28个最强烈事件的震源机制,其中M在1.7和3.4之间。该分析基于由项目开发人员运营的六工位钻孔网络以及多个永久性和临时性地面网络记录的数据。事件的准点位于受激岩体内部,在晶体基底内的4至5 km之间。在这28个断层平面解中,有两个是正常的断层机制,一个是具有强法向分量的走滑机制。所有其他都是典型的走滑机制,其中NS和EW撞击节点平面。结果,T轴几乎都水平,并指向NE或SW方向(平均方位角46±11度),走滑事件的P轴指向NW或SE方向(平均方位角138) ±13度)。总体而言,观测到的震源机制与从井内应力观测和从先前已知的自然地震活动中得出的应力场所期望的一致。



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