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John Dee and the alchemists: Practising and promoting English alchemy in the Holy Roman Empire

机译:约翰·迪(John Dee)和炼金术士:在神圣罗马帝国实践和推广英语炼金术

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This paper investigates John Dee's relationship with two kinds of alchemist: the authorities whose works he read, and the contemporary practitioners with whom he exchanged texts and ideas. Both strands coincide in the reception of works attributed to the famous English alchemist, George Ripley (d. c. 1490). Dee's keen interest in Ripley appears from the number of transcriptions he made of 'Ripleian' writings, including the Bosome book, a manuscript discovered in 1574 and believed to have been written in Ripley's own hand. In 1583, Dee and his associate Edward Kelley left England for East Central Europe, taking with them a proportion of Dee's vast library, including alchemical books-the contents of which would soon pique the interest of continental practitioners. Kelley used Ripley's works, including the Bosome book, not only as sources of practical information, but as a means of furthering his own relationships with colleagues and patrons: transactions that in turn influenced Ripley's posthumous continental reception. The resulting circulation of texts allows us to trace, with unusual precision, the spread of English alchemical ideas in the Holy Roman Empire from the late sixteenth century.
机译:本文研究约翰·迪(John Dee)与两种炼金术士的关系:他阅读著作的当局以及与他交换文字和思想的当代实践者。两条线重合于著名的英国炼金术士乔治·里普利(George Ripley)(卒于1490年)的作品。 Dee对Ripley的浓厚兴趣来自他对“ Ripleian”著作的抄写次数,其中包括Bosome图书,该书于1574年发现,被认为是用Ripley亲手写的。 1583年,迪伊和他的合伙人爱德华·凯利(Edward Kelley)离开英格兰前往中欧东部,并带走了迪伊庞大的图书馆的一部分,其中包括炼金术书籍,这些书籍的内容很快激起了大陆从业者的兴趣。 Kelley不仅将Ripley的著作(包括《 Bosome》一书)用作实用信息的来源,而且还将其用作增进他与同事和顾客关系的一种手段:交易反过来影响了Ripley的死后大陆接待。由此产生的文本传播使我们能够以非同寻常的精确度追溯16世纪晚期以来英国炼金术思想在神圣罗马帝国的传播。



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