首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Health Technology and Informatics >Assessing Surgical Skill Training Under Hazardous Conditions in a Virtual Environment

Assessing Surgical Skill Training Under Hazardous Conditions in a Virtual Environment


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The present study examined the performance of a surgical procedure under simulated combat conditions. Eleven residents performed a cricothyroidotomy on a mannequin-based simulator in a fully immersive virtual environment running a combat simulation with a virtual sniper under both day and night time lighting conditions. The results showed that completion times improved between the first and second attempt and that differences between day and night time conditions were minimal. However, three participants were killed by the virtual sniper before completing the procedure. These results suggest that some participants' ability to allocate attention to the task and their surroundings was inappropriate even under simulated hazardous conditions. Further, this study shows that virtual environments offer the chance to study a wider variety of medical procedures performed under an unlimited number of conditions.
机译:本研究在模拟战斗条件下检查了外科手术的性能。 11名居民在完全沉浸式的虚拟环境中,在基于人体模型的模拟器上进行环甲切开手术,该模拟器在白天和晚上的照明条件下使用虚拟狙击手进行战斗模拟。结果表明,第一次和第二次尝试之间的完成时间缩短了,白天和晚上时间条件之间的差异最小。但是,在完成该过程之前,三名参与者被虚拟狙击手杀死。这些结果表明,即使在模拟危险条件下,某些参与者也无法将注意力分配到任务及其周围环境上。此外,这项研究表明,虚拟环境为研究在无限数量的条件下执行的各种医疗程序提供了机会。



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