首页> 外文期刊>Studies in East European Thought >Another conversion. Stanisław Brzozowski’s ‘diary’ as an early instance of the post-secular turn to religion

Another conversion. Stanisław Brzozowski’s ‘diary’ as an early instance of the post-secular turn to religion

机译:另一个转换。 StanisławBrzozowski的“日记”是世俗后转向宗教的早期实例

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This essay is an attempt to analyze an important decision Brzozowski took at the end of his life, i.e. his late turn towards Catholicism, which, despite his own objections, we should nonetheless call a religious conversion. The main reason why Brzozowski resisted the traditional rhetoric of conversion lies in his often repeated conviction that faith cannot invalidate life, because “what is not biographical, does not exist at all.” Brzozowski, therefore, rejects conversion understood as a radical and abrupt revolution of the soul, which annuls everything that happened before, and turns to a model of religiosity (“Catholicism, undoubtedly”) which preserves his entire biographical past. In this manner, Brzozowski seeks his own formula of faith, more adequate to the “situation” of the modern man who lives in and through History. I argue that the model of “conversion without conversion” Brzozowski chose as representative of modern man is typically, though avant la lettre, post-secular: closer to the Jewish sources of past-oriented tschuva than to the mystical timelessness of traditionally Christian metanoia. The idea that redemption consists not in a liberation of a pure spirit but in a patient working-through of the universal history of creation is an implicit credo of the whole modern age, first fully articulated by Brzozowski and only later in the writings of Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenzweig, and Walter Benjamin. Brzozowski emerges as a relatively early precursor of the future post-secular option whose advocates, like the author of The Diary, will not allow themselves to “lose a single moment,” either of their lives or the world’s history.
机译:本文试图分析Brzozowski生命终结时做出的一项重要决定,即他晚年转向天主教,尽管他有自己的反对意见,但我们仍应将其称为宗教转变。布尔佐佐夫斯基抵制传统的conversion依言论的主要原因在于,他经常反复相信信念不会使生活无效,因为“没有传记的东西根本就不存在”。因此,布尔佐佐夫斯基拒绝将转变理解为灵魂的一场激进而突然的革命,这种革命彻底废除了之前发生的一切,而转向了一种宗教模型(无疑是“天主教”),该模型保留了他的整个传记历史。以这种方式,布佐佐夫斯基寻求自己的信仰公式,更适合生活在历史中并通过历史生存的现代人的“处境”。我认为,布拉佐佐夫斯基选择的“不转化而没有转化的模式”通常是后世俗的,尽管是前世俗的:与过去的茨楚瓦的犹太渊源相比,更接近于传统基督教超神论的神秘永恒。救赎的思想不在于解放纯正的精神,而在于耐心地贯穿宇宙的普遍创造历史,这是整个现代时代的内在信条,最初是由佐佐夫斯基(Brzozowski)充分阐述,后来才出现在赫尔曼·科恩(Hermann Cohen)的著作中。 ,Franz Rosenzweig和Walter Benjamin。布尔佐佐夫斯基是未来世俗化选择的较早先驱,其倡导者(如《日记》的作者)将不允许自己“丢下一个瞬间”,无论是他们的生活还是世界历史。



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