首页> 外文期刊>Studies in East European Thought >Discussions with Bocheński concerning Soviet Marxism–Leninism, 1952–1986

Discussions with Bocheński concerning Soviet Marxism–Leninism, 1952–1986


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Bocheński’s lucid, unpartisan, and judiciously critical discussion of Soviet Marxism–Leninism in his book Der sowjetrussische dialektische Materialismus (1950) filled a major gap in our understanding of that influential movement. Prior to its publication there had been only two works on the subject in English, John Somerville’s Soviet Philosophy (1946) and the Handbook of Philosophy (1949), edited and adapted by Howard Selsam from the Kratkij filosofskij slovar’ (2nd ed. 1940). Both are marked by strong partisanship and ideological bias. Somerville is uncritically pro-Soviet and abjectly Stalinist. Selsam, although he tones down the adulation of Marx, Stalin et al. of the KFS, retains that work’s abuse of such “reactionary” and “idealist” thinkers as Plato and such “reactionary” and “bourgeois” thinkers as Hegel. The benign influence of Bocheński’s work increased with the publication of the English translation, Soviet Russian Dialectical Materialism, in 1963.
机译:博琴斯基在其著作《唯物主义辩证法》(D950)中对苏联马克思列宁主义进行了清晰,无党派和明智的批判性讨论,这填补了我们对这一有影响力的运动的理解的主要空白。在该出版物出版之前,只有两本英文主题的作品,约翰·萨默维尔的《苏联哲学》(1946年)和《哲学手册》(1949年),由霍华德·塞尔萨姆(Howard Selsam)编辑并改编,来自《克拉茨基·菲洛索夫斯基·斯洛瓦尔》(第二版,1940年)。 。两者都具有强烈的党派和意识形态偏见。萨默维尔(Somerville)毫不批评地亲苏联,却非常斯大林主义者。塞尔萨姆,尽管他淡化了马克思的迷信,但斯大林等人。 KFS的成员仍然认为该工作滥用了柏拉图等“反动”和“理想主义”思想家以及黑格尔等“反动”和“资产阶级”思想家。随着1963年英文译本《苏联俄罗斯辩证唯物主义》的出版,波切斯基的作品产生了良性影响。



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