首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Comparative International Development (SCID) >The Development Mandate of International Institutions: Where Did it Come From?

The Development Mandate of International Institutions: Where Did it Come From?


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What was the origin of the commitment of international institutions to promote economic development in poorer countries? A popular view in “post-development” scholarship has been that this international development project was born with Truman’s Point Four program of 1949. This article suggests instead that it emerged for the first time in a significant way out of the Bretton Woods conference of 1944, with US-Latin American relations in the early 1940s acting as a key incubator for this innovation in international governance. This historical reinterpretation leads to a different view of the initial content of the international development project and the politics that generated it. It also challenges those who have downplayed the significance of the development content of the Bretton Woods negotiations.
机译:国际机构促进较贫穷国家经济发展的承诺的根源是什么?在“后发展”奖学金中,一种流行的观点是,这个国际发展项目是与1949年杜鲁门的“第四点”计划一起诞生的。该文章暗示,它是在1944年的布雷顿森林会议上首次出现的重要方式。 1940年代初,美拉关系成为这种国际治理创新的关键孵化器。这种历史上的重新诠释导致人们对国际发展项目的初始内容和产生该项目的政治有不同的看法。这也挑战了那些淡化布雷顿森林谈判发展内容重要性的人。



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