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Gaining Access to Public Services and the Democratic State in India: Institutions in the Middle


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How and to what extent do different citizens experience democratic governance on a day-to-day basis? What agencies do they utilize in order to have their voices heard and grievances addressed? How do they gain access to government agencies responsible for delivering social welfare services, such as education, security, health care, and poverty relief? Investigations conducted in two states of India inquired about the manner in which different social groups living in rural areas gain access to the welfare services of the Indian state. These results show that an intermediary is required for gaining access. Different types of intermediaries are consulted by separate segments of society. For a large majority of poorer individuals, a newly arisen type of mediator, the naya neta (literally, new leader), is the intermediary of choice. Neither usually low status nor high status, but younger and better educated than other types of village leaders, naya netas play important roles in shaping welfare consequences in these villages of Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh, most importantly, by affecting equity of access.
机译:不同的公民每天如何以及在何种程度上经历民主治理?他们利用什么机构来表达自己的声音并解决申诉?他们如何获得与负责提供社会福利服务的政府机构的联系,例如教育,安全,医疗保健和扶贫?在印度两个州进行的调查询问了生活在农村地区的不同社会群体获得印度州福利服务的方式。这些结果表明,需要中介才能获得访问权限。社会不同阶层会咨询不同类型的中介机构。对于绝大多数较贫穷的人来说,一种新兴的调解人,naya neta(字面意思是新的领导者)是首选的中介人。纳亚内塔斯通常既不地位低下也不是地位高,但比其他类型的村领导要年轻且受过良好教育,因此在影响拉贾斯坦邦和安得拉邦这些村庄的福利后果方面起着重要作用,最重要的是,它会影响到通行公平。



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