首页> 外文期刊>Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment >An 'Energy Management Practices' Approach to Setting Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets

An 'Energy Management Practices' Approach to Setting Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets


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With the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, the global drive towards greenhouse gas emission reductions has been taken to a new level. Even without U.S. ratification, American companies with global operations will be impacted both at home and abroad. Historically, companies have had 'hunt for savings' programs when energy prices were high, and then reverted to business as usual when the prices receded again. Looming regulatory requirements will force companies to put in place business systems that will recognize and account for the true value of energy. When this true value of energy (economic, environmental, and social) is considered, the rate of return on energy efficiency programs becomes more attractive. For most companies, greenhouse gas emission reduction translates to reduced energy consumption or increased energy efficiency. An initial estimate of the savings potential of an operation is needed to set site or corporate greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. A challenging target that is reasonable and cost effective must also be defendable and supported by senior executives. The One-2-Five~®Energy benchmarking database is a very helpful tool when considering setting voluntary reduction targets and developing a plan to meet those targets. By assessing site practices against a 22-element framework for best practice in energy management, a site or company can quickly understand the magnitude of its energy and greenhouse gas savings potential. This article will outline examples of how companies have used the One-2-Five~®Energy methodology for setting reduction targets and establishing an action plan for achieving those targets.



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