首页> 外文期刊>Strategic Management Journal >Reassessing the fundamentals and beyond: ronald coase, the transaction cost and resource-Based theories of the firm and the institutional structure of production

Reassessing the fundamentals and beyond: ronald coase, the transaction cost and resource-Based theories of the firm and the institutional structure of production

机译:重新评估基本面和其他方面:罗纳德·科斯(Ronald Coase),交易成本和基于资源的企业理论以及生产的制度结构

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In this paper, three points are argued. The first is that Ronald Coase, best known as the forefather of transaction cost theory, foresaw many of the critical questions that proponents of the resource- based view are concerned with today. The second is that resource-based theory plays a potentially much more critical role in economic theory and in explaining the institutional structure of production than even many resource-based scholars recognize. The last point is that a more complete understanding of the organization of economic activity requires a greater sensitivity to the interdependence of production and exchange relations.
机译:本文提出三点。首先是作为交易成本理论的先驱而闻名的罗纳德·科斯(Ronald Coase)预见了当今基于资源的观点的支持者所关注的许多关键问题。其次,基于资源的理论在经济理论和解释生产的制度结构方面起着甚至比许多基于资源的学者所认识的更为重要的作用。最后一点是,要对经济活动的组织有更全面的了解,就需要对生产和交换关系的相互依赖性更加敏感。



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