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Take Control of E-mail: Protect the Surging Tide


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Every day, government IT administrators face huge challenges in managing e-mail―from backup and recovery time, to storage capacity, to system performance. E-mail data management is an urgent, high-stakes challenge for every government agency, due to growth and compliance requirements. According to IDC, the number of e-mails worldwide is expected to grow to 35 billion daily in 2006. A recent survey by Osterman Research found that the majority of organizations have experienced more than 50% growth in e-mail storage during the past two years alone. E-mail messages are now considered bona fide business communications. In fact, 80% of users now prefer e-mail instead of the telephone for business communication, according to a recent META Group survey. The Osterman Research survey found that 79% of organizations use or accept e-mail as written confirmation of approvals, orders or other transactions.
机译:每天,政府IT管理员在管理电子邮件方面都面临巨大的挑战-从备份和恢复时间到存储容量再到系统性能。由于增长和合规性要求,对于每个政府机构来说,电子邮件数据管理都是一项紧迫的高风险挑战。根据IDC的调查,2006年全球电子邮件的数量每天将增长到350亿个。OstermanResearch最近进行的一项调查发现,在过去两年中,大多数组织的电子邮件存储量增长了50%以上一年。电子邮件现在被认为是真正的商务通信。实际上,根据META Group最近的一项调查,现在有80%的用户更喜欢电子邮件而不是电话进行业务交流。 Osterman Research调查发现,有79%的组织使用或接受电子邮件作为批准,订单或其他交易的书面确认。



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