首页> 外文期刊>Spill Science & Technology Bulletin >The Toxicity of Laboratory Burned Oil to the Amphipod Allorchestes compressa and the Snail Polinices conicus

The Toxicity of Laboratory Burned Oil to the Amphipod Allorchestes compressa and the Snail Polinices conicus


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Acute 96 h LC50 values of the burned-oil-water-accommodated-fraction (BWAF) and burned-oil-residue- mixture (BRM) were determined in semi-static bioassays with seawater, using the amphipod Allorchestes compressa (Dana). Sublethal bioassays (suppression of burying behaviour over 30 min and 24 h exposure) were also conducted for these toxicants, using the marine sand snail Polinices conicus (Lamarck) as the test The mean (n = 4) 96 h LC50 (S.E.) value for BWAF was 80 (4.l) and for BRM was greater than 100. No-observed-effect-concentration (NOEC) and lowest-observed-effect-concentra (LOEC) for the both toxicants were 40 and 60 respectively. The burying behaviour of the snails after 30 min exposure to both toxicants was not affected with NOEC values greater than 100. The 24 h FC50 (S.E.) value for BWAF was 60 (2.7) with 10 NOEC and 20 LOEC values. The respective 24 h EC50 value for BRM was greater than 100 with 40 NOEC and 60 LOEC values.
机译:使用两足动物变腹变种(Dana)在海水半静态生物测定中,测定了熟油-水-浓缩物(BWAF)和熟油-残留物混合物(BRM)的急性96 h LC50值。还使用海洋砂蜗牛Polinices conicus(Lamarck)作为测试剂对这些有毒物质进行了亚致死生物测定(抑制30分钟和24小时内的掩埋行为)。平均值(n = 4)96 h LC50(SE)值BWAF为80(4.1),而BRM大于100。两种毒物的未观察到的浓度(NOEC)和最低观察到的浓度(LOEC)分别为40和60。蜗牛暴露于两种毒物中30分钟后的埋葬行为不受NOEC值大于100的影响。BWAF的24 h FC50(S.E.)值为60(2.7),NOEC值为10,LOEC值为20。 BRM的24小时EC50值大于40 NOEC和60 LOEC值。



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