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Conveyance of emotional connotations by a single word in English


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Native British English speakers uttered the name Sarah to simulate 10 emotional connotations: "naming", "sad", "pleading", "admiring", "content", "commanding", "astonished", "scornful", "angry", and "frightened". In an identification task, British English listeners categorized the samples. Of the connotations, "angry", "frightened" and "astonished" were conveyed best, and "content" poorest. Regarding auditory differentiation among the connotations, the results suggest that recognition of "naming", "sad", "admiring" "commanding", "angry", and "frightened" is based on differences in the signal wave form and its short-term alterations, whereas recognition of "pleading", "astonished", and "scornful" also relies on temporal patterning of short-term cues. In general, the present results together with an earlier comparable study on the conveyance of emotional connotations by a single word in Finnish indicate that English and Finnish have shared features in the vocal expression of admiration, positive surprise, scorn, plea, command, fear, and emotional neutrality. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:以英语为母语的英语使用者说​​出莎拉这个名字来模仿10种情感含义:“命名”,“悲伤”,“恳求”,“钦佩”,“内容”,“指挥”,“震惊”,“轻蔑”,“愤怒”,和“受惊”。在识别任务中,英国英语听众对样本进行了分类。在这些含义中,“愤怒”,“受惊”和“震惊”的传达最好,而“内容”的传达最差。关于这些含义之间的听觉差异,结果表明对“命名”,“悲伤”,“欣赏”,“指挥”,“愤怒”和“害怕”的识别是基于信号波形及其短期的差异。改变,而“恳求”,“震惊”和“轻蔑”的识别也依赖于短期提示的时间模式。一般而言,目前的研究结果以及较早的一项有关芬兰语中单个单词传达情感内涵的可比研究表明,英语和芬兰语在赞美,积极惊喜,轻蔑,认罪,命令,恐惧,和情感中立。 (C)2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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