首页> 外文期刊>Spectrum, IEEE >Education/Energy: Expanding power options: The power industry's long-term challenges offer exciting opportunities to students. But do they know it?

Education/Energy: Expanding power options: The power industry's long-term challenges offer exciting opportunities to students. But do they know it?


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While industrialists and educators argue about the pros and cons of power engineering curricula, most EE students remain indifferent to power engineering as a profession. Why? The reason may well be one expressed at the recent IEEE Power Engineering Society's Winter Meeting by John Hancock, dean of engineering, Purdue University, who said: ¿Despite the recent emphasis on energy needs, power engineering has a serious image problem.¿ His statement was mild compared to that of a Virginia Polytechnic Institute student who, at a rap session the next day, expressed the same conviction in these words: ¿There is a stigma attached to the idea of becoming a power engineer. A lot of undergraduate students feel that power engineers are a bunch of old codgers who've done the same thing the same way for 100 years. This feeling is particularly directed toward engineers working with the utilities.¿
机译:工业家和教育家在争论电力工程课程的利弊时,大多数电子工程专业的学生对电力工程仍然无动于衷。为什么?原因很可能是普渡大学工程学系主任约翰·汉考克(John Hancock)在最近的IEEE动力工程学会冬季会议上表达的一个原因。他说:尽管最近强调能源需求,但是动力工程存在严重的图像问题。与弗吉尼亚理工学院的一名学生的讲话相比,他的陈述是温和的,后者在第二天的说唱会议上用以下这些话表达了同样的信念:¿成为一名电力工程师的想法带有烙印。许多本科生认为,电力工程师是一群老顽固的家伙,他们以相同的方式做同样的事情已有100年了。这种感觉尤其针对使用公用程序的工程师。



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