首页> 外文期刊>South African journal of geology >An occurrence of calcite, strontianite, and ankerite in the Pilanesberg Complex, North West Province, South Africa

An occurrence of calcite, strontianite, and ankerite in the Pilanesberg Complex, North West Province, South Africa


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Calcite, strontianite, and manganoan ankerite are shown to occur in the Pilanesberg Complex. Carbon and oxygen isotope results, high whole-rock strontium content, and the high strontium content of calcite indicate that the carbonate may be magmatic in origin. The mineral assemblage in the sample is similar to that for late stage, low-temperature, and hydrother-mally altered carbonatites, although the carbonate content of the sample is not sufficiently high for it to be classified as a carbonatite. Although the Pilanesberg has been intruded through Transvaal dolomites, this is an unlikely source of the carbonate.%Daar word aangetoon dat kalsiet, stronsianiet, en mangaanankeriet in die Pilanesberg Kompleks voorkom. Koolstof- en suurstofisotoopresultate, hoe heelgesteente-stronsiuminhoud en die hoe stronsiuminhoud van kalsiet dui dat die karbonaat van magmatiese oorsprong kan wees. Die mineraalversameling in die monster is soortgelyk aan dié van laatstadium-, lae-temperatuur-, en hidrotermaal veranderde karbonatiete, alhoewel die karbonaatinhoud van die monster nie hoog genoeg is om klassifikasie as karbonatiet te regverdig nie. Hoewel die Pilanesberg deur die Transvaaldolomiete ingedring het, is laas-genoemde 'n onwaarskynlike bron van die karbonaat.
机译:方解石,锶锶矿和锰质钙长石显示在Pilanesberg Complex中。碳和氧的同位素结果,高的全岩锶含量以及高的方解石锶含量表明碳酸盐可能起源于岩浆。样品中的矿物成分与后期,低温和水热法改变的碳酸盐岩相似,尽管样品的碳酸盐含量不足以将其分类为碳酸盐岩。尽管Pilanesberg已通过德兰士瓦白云岩侵入,但这是不太可能的碳酸盐来源。%表明Pilanesberg矿床中存在方解石,方钠石和锰锚土。碳和氧同位素的结果,方解石的高岩石含量和高锶含量表明碳酸盐可能是岩浆成因的。样品中的矿物质收集类似于后期,低温和水热蚀变的碳酸盐岩,尽管样品中的碳酸盐含量不足以保证被归类为碳酸盐岩。尽管匹兰斯堡已经穿透了德兰士瓦白云岩,但后者是不太可能的碳酸盐来源。



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