首页> 外文期刊>Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering >Liquefaction potential evaluations by energy-based method and stress based method for various ground motions: Supplement

Liquefaction potential evaluations by energy-based method and stress based method for various ground motions: Supplement


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Energy-Based Method for liquefaction potential evaluation was previously proposed and applied to simple soil models and case history sites to show its general usability for a variety of seismic motions. The key of the proposed method is to compare upward wave energy with energy capacity for liquefaction in each layer, though the theoretical background in the energy comparison was not fully addressed in the previous paper. In this supplement, wave energy in upward propagating SH-wave is formulated together with associated dissipated energy, and how to compare it with liquefaction energy capacity is discussed in a simplified evaluation procedure of EBM incorporating cyclic loading soil test data in the laboratory. An additional case study is also conducted to know the effect of the simplification on evaluation results.



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