首页> 外文期刊>Social Studies of Science >Imagining sustainable energy and mobility transitions: Valence, temporality, and radicalism in 38 visions of a low-carbon future

Imagining sustainable energy and mobility transitions: Valence, temporality, and radicalism in 38 visions of a low-carbon future


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Based on an extensive synthesis of semi-structured interviews, media content analysis, and reviews, this article conducts a qualitative meta-analysis of more than 560 sources of evidence to identify 38 visions associated with seven different low-carbon innovations - automated mobility, electric vehicles, smart meters, nuclear power, shale gas, hydrogen, and the fossil fuel divestment movement - playing a key role in current deliberations about mobility or low-carbon energy supply and use. From this material, it analyzes such visions based on rhetorical features such as common problems and functions, storylines, discursive struggles, and rhetorical effectiveness. It also analyzes visions based on typologies or degrees of valence (utopian vs. dystopian), temporality (proximal vs. distant), and radicalism (incremental vs. transformative). The article is motivated by the premise that tackling climate change via low-carbon energy systems (and practices) is one of the most significant challenges of the twenty-first century, and that effective decarbonization will require not only new energy technologies, but also new ways of understanding language, visions, and discursive politics surrounding emerging innovations and transitions.
机译:基于广泛的半结构性访谈,媒体内容分析和评论,本文对560多个证据来源进行了定性荟萃分析,以确定与七种不同低碳创新相关的38个愿景 - 自动化移动性,电动车辆,智能仪表,核电,页岩气,氢气和化石燃料剥离运动 - 在目前审议关于流动性或低碳能源供应和使用的审议中发挥关键作用。从这种材料中,它根据诸如常见问题和功能,故事列表,话语斗争和修辞效果等修辞特征来分析这种愿景。它还根据类型或价值(UtoPian与Dystopian),时间性(近端与远距离)和激进主义(增量与转化性)来分析视觉。本文的推移是通过低碳能源系统(和实践)处理气候变化的前提是二十一世纪最重要的挑战之一,而且有效的脱碳不仅需要新的能源技术,还需要新的能源技术理解语言,愿景和话语政治周围的新兴创新和过渡的方式。



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