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Fraught claims at the intersection of biology and sociality: Managing controversy in the neuroscience of poverty and adversity


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In this article, I examine how a subfield of researchers studying the impact of poverty and adversity on the developing brain, cognitive abilities and mental health respond to criticism that their research is racist and eugenicist, and implies that affected children are broken on a biological level. My interviewees use a number of strategies to respond to these resurfacing criticisms. They maintain that the controversy rests upon a fundamental misunderstanding of their work. In addition, they use what I term plasticity talk', a form of anti-determinist discourse, to put forth what they believe is a hopeful conception of body and brain as fundamentally malleable. They draw attention to their explicit intentions to use scientific inquiry to mitigate inequality and further social justice - in fact, they believe their studies are powerful evidence that add to the literature on the social determinants of health. Though they may be interested in improving lives, they argue that their aims and means have little in common with programs trying to improve' the genetic stock of the population. I argue that theirs is a fraught research terrain, where any claims-making is potentially treacherous. Just as their studies of development refuse dualistic models, so too do their responses defy dichotomous categorization.
机译:在本文中,我研究了研究贫困和逆境对发育中的大脑,认知能力和心理健康的影响的一个研究子领域如何回应批评他们的研究是种族主义和优生论的批评,并暗示受影响的孩子在生物学层面上被打破了。 。我的受访者采用了多种策略来应对这些表面现象。他们坚持认为,争议在于对工作的根本误解。此外,他们使用一种我称之为可塑性对话的形式(一种反确定性话语)来提出他们认为对身体和大脑具有可延展性的有希望的构想。他们提请注意他们的明确意图,即使用科学探究来减轻不平等并进一步促进社会公正-实际上,他们认为他们的研究是有力的证据,为有关健康的社会决定因素的文献增色不少。尽管他们可能对改善生活感兴趣,但他们认为,他们的目的和手段与试图改善人口遗传资源的计划几乎没有共同之处。我认为他们的研究领域充满生机,在这里进行任何索赔都可能是危险的。正如他们对发展的研究拒绝二元模型一样,他们的回应也违背了二分类法。



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