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Life in the cryo-kennel: The 'exceptional' life of frozen pet DNA


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This article employs a feminist science and technology studies perspective to investigate how the cryo-vitality of frozen pet DNA is potentialized and animated. This is accomplished by empirically foregrounding the marketing material and online presence of two genetic pet preservation companies: PerPETuate and ViaGen Pets. While the allure of cryopreservation for pet owners is situated in light of the ability to re-animate and re-entangle biological matter into future (old) pets, the preservation of pet DNA is potentialized through the logics of love, sameness, purity, and kinship. The article shows how preserved dog DNA moves from a rescue discourse in which exceptional kinds of dogs are preserved to a preservation-of-kin discourse in which the preserved pet DNA is narrated in humanist kinship terms. Exploring the ways that pet DNA preservation and culturing is articulated from kin(d) to brand, the study speaks to the human-animal cryo-interface calling for scholarly attention to the emergent businesses in preserving biological material for one's future use.
机译:本文采用女权主义的科学技术研究视角来研究冷冻宠物DNA的低温生命力是如何被激发和激活的。这是通过经验性介绍两家基因宠物保藏公司PerPETuate和ViaGen Pets的营销材料和在线存在来实现的。鉴于宠物拥有者低温保存的吸引力在于能够重新激活生物物质并使生物物质纠缠到未来的(旧)宠物中,而宠物DNA的保存则可以通过爱,相同,纯净和亲戚。这篇文章显示了保存的狗DNA如何从保存特殊犬种的营救话语转变为以人文亲属关系叙述保存的宠物DNA的亲属保存话语。探索了从亲属到品牌表达宠物DNA保存和培养的方式,该研究谈到了人-动物冷冻界面,呼吁学术界关注新兴企业在保存生物材料以供将来使用时。



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