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The (Amorphous) Anatomy of an Invention: The Case of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


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The priority dispute between Raymond Damadian and Paul Lauterbur over the 'invention' of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has attracted the attention of social and natural scientists for more than 30 years. In this paper, I have used this priority dispute to analyze the complex socio-epistemic processes through which a claim for an invention is made and strengthened. I argue that a tension exists because techno-scientific practices are embedded within a particular disciplinary regime of authorship: even though techno-scientific practices occur through distributed cognition and are contingent upon particular socio-epistemic contexts, a claim for an invention requires assigning authorship to a particular person, company, or institution in order to clearly define the origin and the novelty of that particular techno-scientific event. Nevertheless, the outcomes of socio-epistemic practices for making and strengthening priority claims are shifting, open-ended, and contingent upon particular socio-epistemic contexts.
机译:30多年来,Raymond Damadian和Paul Lauterbur在磁共振成像(MRI)的“发明”方面的优先权争议引起了社会和自然科学家的关注。在本文中,我已使用该优先权争议来分析复杂的社会流行过程,以此来提出和加强对一项发明的权利要求。我认为存在张力是因为技术科学实践嵌入了特定的著作权学科体系中:尽管技术科学实践是通过分布式认知而发生的,并且取决于特定的社会流行语境,但对一项发明的主张要求将著作权归属于一个特定的人,公司或机构,以便清楚地定义该特定技术科学事件的起源和新颖性。然而,用于提出和加强优先权主张的社会流行病实践的结果是变化的,开放的,并取决于特定的社会流行病背景。



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