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Normalizing Transantiago: On the challenges (and limits) of repairing infrastructures


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This article looks to propose a new way to understand the repair of failing large sociotechnical systems. Leaving aside romantic valuations, repair always involves a certain degree of normalization. Derived from conceptualizations by Foucault, repair as normalization is understood as a particular form of power that, first, recognizes a certain normal state to which the failing system should evolve and, second, develops different strategies to reach it, usually involving the deployment of particular disciplinary devices. The ultimate aim of such practices is usually not only the improvement of the system but centrally the maintenance of a certain kind of power. In order to show the empirical usability of such conceptualization, the article analyzes the case of Transantiago, a thoroughgoing reform of the public transport system of Santiago, Chile. The start of Transantiago in February 2007 was marred by multiple failures, becoming one of the biggest public controversies in the country in recent decades. Given this, several different strategies were developed to repair such failures, understanding them explicitly as normalization. The article analyzes two particular strategies: attempts to change the negative 'public perception' about Transantiago through the use of quantitative indicators and the introduction of an unexpected type of infrastructure to increase the overall speed of the system. Finally, the conclusion analyzes how the conception of repair as normalization can help us better understand the complexities involved in dealing with failing large sociotechnical systems such as Transantiago, pointing to the need to sometimes move beyond repair.
机译:本文旨在提出一种新方法,以了解对失败的大型社会技术系统的修复。除了浪漫的估价,修理总是涉及一定程度的正常化。从福柯的概念化派生而来,修复即规范化被理解为一种特殊的权力形式,首先,它识别出故障系统应发展到的某种正常状态,其次,开发出不同的策略来达到此目的,通常包括部署特定系统。纪律手段。这种做法的最终目的通常不仅是改进系统,而且是集中维护某种电源。为了显示这种概念化的经验可用性,本文分析了Transantiago的案例,这是对智利圣地亚哥的公共交通系统进行的彻底改革。 Transantiago的成立于2007年2月,但经历了多次失败,成为近几十年来该国最大的公共争议之一。鉴于此,开发了几种不同的策略来修复此类故障,并将其明确地理解为标准化。本文分析了两种特殊的策略:尝试通过使用定量指标来改变对Transantiago的负面“公众认知”,以及引入意想不到的基础设施类型以提高系统的整体速度。最后,结论分析了将修理归一化的概念如何帮助我们更好地理解处理失败的大型社会技术系统(如Transantiago)所涉及的复杂性,并指出有时需要超越修理。



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