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Wave Field Synthesis and Object-Based Mixing for Motion Picture Sound


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Digital Cinema and 3D pictures are the latest innovations for cinemas. Audio reproduction on the other hand, is nearly the same as it was in the late 1980s, when discrete multichannel audio was introduced. Even uncompressed storage and distribution, as well as the addition of a jew more channels, did not change things significantly. Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) can change the situation because it offers spatial audio as a complement to 3D pictures. Using WFS, it is possible to focus sound sources inside the audience area. The sweet spot limitation of traditional multichannel audio no longer applies. On the production side, a complete new tool set is available for sound designers and mixers, based on object-based audio post-production. Although the basic principles of Wave Field Synthesis have been well-known for a long time, recent developments have made it possible to bring this technology into today's theaters. This article describes the current state of WFS in motion picture sound, as well as its unique properties and the benefit of object-based reproduction in the audio post-production process.



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