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An agent-based model for simulation of traffic network status: Applied to Hanoi city


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In recent times there have been many agent-based simulation models proposed for transportation network simulation. Intuitively, these models are applicable for the transportation simulation of modern cities in developed countries where the transportation network is very well organized: Roads are separated into lanes; most transportation occurs using vehicles; and almost all drivers respect the circulation rule. However, these models are not suitable for developing countries where the transportation network is unorganized. The reasons for this are as follows: (1) there is no lane on the road; (2) most vehicles are motorbikes; and (3) not many drivers respect the circulation rule. This paper introduces an agent-based model for transportation network simulation in which each form of transport is modeled as an agent exhibiting full features of unorganized circulation behavior. The model is designed for a large scale and instead of displaying the circulation for all individual modes of transport, the model displays only the status of the traffic network. The simulation of circulation is therefore considered as a background process. The simulation is launched and the results are obtained before being displayed. This model is applied to the traffic network of Hanoi to analyze the hot or bottle neck points on the transportation network during rush hours in the city.
机译:近年来,已经提出了许多用于交通网络仿真的基于代理的仿真模型。直观地讲,这些模型适用于交通网络组织完善的发达国家现代城市的交通模拟。大多数运输是使用车辆进行的;几乎所有驾驶员都遵守流通规则。但是,这些模型不适用于运输网络不组织的发展中国家。原因如下:(1)道路上没有车道; (2)大多数车辆是摩托车; (3)没有多少司机尊重流通规则。本文介绍了一种基于主体的运输网络仿真模型,其中,每种运输形式都被建模为具有完整无序流通行为特征的主体。该模型是为大规模设计的,而不是显示所有单独运输方式的流通,而是仅显示交通网络的状态。因此,将循环模拟视为背景过程。启动仿真,并在显示结果之前获得结果。该模型被应用于河内的交通网络,以分析城市高峰期交通网络上的热点或瓶颈点。



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