首页> 外文期刊>Signal and Information Processing over Networks, IEEE Transactions on >Expander Recovery Performance of Bipartite Graphs With Girth Greater Than 4

Expander Recovery Performance of Bipartite Graphs With Girth Greater Than 4


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Expander recovery is an iterative algorithm designed to recover sparse signals measured with binary matrices with linear complexity. In the paper, we study the expander recovery performance of the bipartite graph with girth greater than 4, which can he associated with a binary matrix with column correlations equal to either 0 or 1. For such a graph, expander recovery is proved to achieve the same performance as the traditional basis pursuit recovery, as the signal is dissociated. Compared to random graphs widely used for expander recovery, the graph we study tends to present better empirical performance. Furthermore, its special structure enables reducing the iteration number of expander recovery from O(n log k) times to exactly k times in serial recovery, and from O(log k) times to exactly one time in parallel recovery.
机译:扩展器恢复是一种迭代算法,旨在以线性复杂度恢复用二进制矩阵测量的稀疏信号。在本文中,我们研究周长大于4的二部图的膨胀机恢复性能,该性能可以与列相关性等于0或1的二元矩阵相关联。对于这种图,证明了膨胀机恢复可以实现由于信号被分离,因此其性能与传统基准恢复相同。与广泛用于扩展器恢复的随机图相比,我们研究的图倾向于表现出更好的经验性能。此外,其特殊的结构可以将扩展器恢复的迭代次数在串行恢复中从O(n log k)次减少到恰好k次,在并行恢复中从O(log k)次减少到恰好一次。



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