首页> 外文期刊>SIGCSE bulletin >A Prolog Toolkit for Formal Languages and Automata

A Prolog Toolkit for Formal Languages and Automata


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This paper describes the first version of P~b (read "P flat"), a collection of Prolog predicates that aims to provide a pedagogical implementation of concepts and algorithms taught in Formal Languages and Automata Theory (FLAT) courses. By "pedagogical implementation" we mean on the one hand that students should be able to easily map the implementation to the mathematical definitions given in lectures, and on the other hand that the toolkit should provide a library for students to implement further concepts and algorithms. In both cases the goal is to make students more confident in defining and manipulating the various kinds of languages and automata at a level beyond the one provided by visual simulators of automata. As such, P~b is not intended to replace but rather complement existing graphical tools. We believe the declarative, non-deterministic, and interactive nature of Prolog helps in building an executable specification of FLAT concepts and definitions that can be actively extended and explored by students, in order to achieve the stated goal.
机译:本文介绍了P_b的第一个版本(读为“ P flat”),它是Prolog谓词的集合,旨在提供形式语言和自动机理论(FLAT)课程中讲授的概念和算法的教学方法。通过“教学实现”,我们一方面意味着学生应该能够轻松地将实现映射到讲座中给出的数学定义,另一方面,该工具包应该为学生提供一个库,以实现进一步的概念和算法。在这两种情况下,目标都是使学生更加自信地定义和操作各种语言和自动机,其水平超出自动机视觉模拟器提供的水平。因此,Pb并非旨在替代现有图形工具,而是对其进行补充。我们相信Prolog的声明性,非确定性和交互性有助于建立FLAT概念和定义的可执行规范,学生可以积极地扩展和探索它们,以实现所述目标。



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