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On the analysis of a random walk-jump chain with tree-based transitions and its applications to faulty dichotomous search


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Random walks (RWs) have been extensively studied for more than a century (Feller, 1968). These walks have traditionally been on a line, and the generalizations for two and three dimensions have been by extending the random steps to the corresponding neighboring positions in one or many of the dimensions. Among the most popular RWs on a line are the various models for birth and death processes, renewal processes, and the gambler's ruin problem. All of these RWs operate on a discretized line, and the walk is achieved by performing small steps to the current state's neighbor states. Indeed, it is this neighbor-step motion that renders their analyses tractable. When some of the transitions are to non-neighbour states, a formal analysis is typically impossible because the difference equations of the steady-state probabilities are not solvable. One endeavor on such an analysis is found in Yazidi et al. (2011). The problem is far more complex when the transitions of the walk follow an underlying tree-like structure. The analysis of RWs on a tree have received little attention, even though it is an important topic since a tree is a counterpart space representation of a line whenever there is some ordering on the nodes on the line. Nevertheless, RWs on a tree entail moving to non-neighbor states in the space, which makes the analysis involved and, in many cases, impossible. In this article, we consider the analysis of one such fascinating RW. We demonstrate that an analysis of the chain is feasible because we can invoke the phenomenon time reversibility. Apart from the analysis being interesting in itself from an analytical perspective, the RW on the tree that this article models is a type of generalization of dichotomous search with faulty feedback about the direction of the search, rendering the real-life application of the model to be pertinent. To resolve this, we advocate the concept of backtracking transitions in order to effciently explore the search space. Interestingly, it is precisely these backtracking transitions that naturally render the chain to be time reversible. By doing this, we are able to bridge the gap between deterministic dichotomous search and its faulty version. The article contains the analysis of the chain, reports some fascinating limiting properties, and also includes simulations that justify the analytic steady-state results.
机译:随机游走(RWs)已经被广泛研究了一个多世纪(Feller,1968)。传统上,这些走线是一条直线,而二维和三维的概括是通过将随机步长扩展到一个或多个维度中的相应相邻位置。在生产线中最流行的RW中,有各种关于生死过程,更新过程以及赌徒破产问题的模型。所有这些RW都在离散线上运行,并且通过对当前状态的相邻状态执行小的步骤来实现步行。确实,正是这种相邻步运动使分析变得容易处理。当某些过渡到非邻国时,通常无法进行形式分析,因为稳态概率的差分方程无法求解。 Yazidi等人发现了这种分析的一种尝试。 (2011)。当步行的过渡遵循基本的树状结构时,问题就更加复杂了。尽管这是一个重要的话题,但对树上的RW的分析却很少受到关注,因为只要树上的线代表节点上的某些顺序,树就是该线的对应空间表示。然而,在一棵树上的RW必然会移动到空间中的非邻居状态,这使得分析涉及到很多情况下,甚至是不可能的。在本文中,我们考虑对一种如此迷人的RW的分析。我们证明对链进行分析是可行的,因为我们可以调用现象时间可逆性。从分析的角度来看,分析本身并不有趣,但本文建模的树上的RW是二分搜索的一种泛化形式,对搜索方向的反馈错误,从而使模型的实际应用相关。为了解决这个问题,我们提倡回溯过渡的概念,以便有效地探索搜索空间。有趣的是,正是这些回溯过渡自然使链条具有时间可逆性。通过这样做,我们能够弥合确定性二分搜索与其错误版本之间的差距。本文包含对链条的分析,报告了一些引人入胜的极限性质,还包括了证明稳态分析结果合理的模拟。



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