首页> 外文期刊>SEI Technical Review >Extensive Verification of Activation Timing of In-Vehicle Software

Extensive Verification of Activation Timing of In-Vehicle Software


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To keep vehicle embedded software quality high, products must be verified on every event timing including unexpected timing.Especially important is the timing of power supply switching. In general, in the time region just after power supply is switched on, the possibility of occurrence of software error is higher than in the steady state. This is because the operating conditions at the time of switch-on of a power supply are different from those in the steady state, such as higher communication load.Continuous efforts are being made to verify product quality thoroughly, but if software scale and complexity continue to increase, the verification work might be extremely larger in the future than in these days. The authors have developed a testing tool that allows the verification to be performed at high time resolution at the timing of power supply switching. And the authors have also implemented automatic testing functions to the tool. Thus, they have constructed efficiency verification environment. The authors have applied this "power switching timing test tool" in the verification of prototype ECU. About 17,000 test cases were prepared and tested about prototype ECU. Such testing is impossible without the "power switching timing test tool". As a result, we have demonstrated the tool to be effective.In addition, we developed the automatic judge function to the tool so that testing operation efficiency is also improved considerably.



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