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Unusual Holocene and late Pleistocene carbonate sedimentation in Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, USA


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Bear Lake (Utah-Idaho, USA) has been producing large quantities of carbonate minerals of varying mineralogy for the past 17,000 years. The history of sedimentation in Bear Lake is documented through the study of isotopic ratios of oxygen, carbon, and strontium, percent organic carbon, percent CaCO_3, X-ray diffraction mineralogy, HCl-leach inorganic geochemistry, and magnetic properties on samples from three piston cores. Historically, the Bear River, the main source of water for Great Salt Lake, did not enter Bear Lake until it was artificially diverted into the lake at the beginning of the 20th century. However, during the last glacial interval, the Bear River did enter Bear Lake depositing red, calcareous, silty clay. About 18,000 years ago, the Bear River became disconnected from Bear Lake. A combination of warmer water, increased evaporation, and increased organic productivity triggered the precipitation of calcium carbonate, first as calcite. As the salinity of the lake increased due to evaporation, aragonite began to precipitate about 11,000 years ago. Aragonite is the dominant mineral that accumulated in bottom sediments of the lake during the Holocene, comprising an average of about 70 wt.% of the sediments. Aragonite formation in a large, cold, oligotrophic, high latitude lake is highly unusual. Lacustrine aragonite usually is found in small, saline lakes in which the salinity varies considerably over time. However, Bear Lake contains endemic ostracodes and fish, which indicate that the chemistry of the lake has remained fairly constant for a long time. Stable isotope data from Holocene aragonite show that the salinity of Bear Lake increased throughout the Holocene, but never reached highly evolved values of δ~(18)O in spite of an evaporation-dominated water balance. Bear Lake hydrology combined with evaporation created an unusual situation that produced large amounts of aragonite, but no evaporite minerals.
机译:在过去的17,000年中,熊湖(美国犹他州爱达荷州)一直在生产大量具有不同矿物学特征的碳酸盐矿物。通过研究氧,碳和锶的同位素比,有机碳百分比,CaCO_3百分比,X射线衍射矿物学,HCl浸出无机地球化学以及三个活塞样品的磁学性质,记录了贝尔湖的沉积历史。核心。从历史上看,大盐湖的主要水源熊河直到20世纪初才被人为地引入湖中,才进入熊湖。但是,在最后一次冰川期,贝尔河确实进入了贝尔湖,沉积了红色,钙质,粉质粘土。大约18,000年前,熊河与熊湖断开连接。温暖的水,增加的蒸发和增加的有机生产率的结合触发了碳酸钙的沉淀,首先是方解石。随着湖泊盐度由于蒸发而增加,文石大约在11,000年前开始沉淀。文石是全新世期间沉积在湖底沉积物中的主要矿物,平均占沉积物的70%(重量)。在宽大,寒冷,贫营养,高纬度的湖泊中形成文石非常罕见。 Lacustrine文石通常在小型盐湖中发现,其盐度随时间变化很大。但是,熊湖含有地方性的stra虫和鱼类,这表明该湖的化学性质长期以来一直保持相当稳定。全新世文石的稳定同位素数据表明,熊湖的盐度在整个全新世都增加,但尽管蒸发平衡的水平衡,但从未达到δ〜(18)O的高度演化值。熊湖水文学结合蒸发造成了一种不寻常的情况,该现象产生了大量文石,但没有蒸发矿物。



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