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The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) boundary at Brazos, Texas: Sequence stratigraphy, depositional events and the Chicxulub impact


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Two cores from Brazos, Texas, spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) boundary, are investigated by a multidisciplinary approach aiming at unraveling environmental changes and sequence stratigraphic setting. In addition, the sedimentology of the K-P event deposit and its correlation with the K-P boundary is studied. Foraminifera and nannofossil stratigraphy indicates that both cores include a latest Maastrichtian (Zone CF1-CF2) and earliest Danian (P0, Pα and P1a) shale sequence with a sandy and Chicxulub ejecta-bearing event deposit at the K-P boundary; a hiatus of unknown duration may be present by the unconformable base of the event deposit. Planktic foraminifera as well as calcareous nannofossil abundance and diversity both decline abruptly above the event deposit (K-P mass extinction), whereas benthic foraminifera show a pronounced faunal change but no mass extinction. Mineralogical and geochemical proxies suggest that-except for the sandwiched K-P event deposit-no facies change took place across the K-P boundary and no evidence for adverse an- or dysoxic sedimentary conditions following the Chicxulub impact was observed. Therefore, the interval bracketing the K-P event deposit is considered as highstand systems tract. Increased coarse detritus input and low planktic/benthic (P/B) foraminifera ratios during the earliest Paleocene (P0 and Pα) both suggest an increased coastal proximity or relative sea-level lowering, although the K-P mass extinction of planktic foraminifera might have influenced the P/B ratios as well. Consequently, the sandy shales of the early Paleocene are considered as late regressive highstand or as lowstand deposit. During P1a, shales assigned as transgressive systems tract overlie a pyrite- and glauconite-rich bioturbated transgressive surface or type-2-sequence boundary. The smectite-dominated clay assemblage, with minor illite, kaolinite and chlorite indicates semiarid-humid climates with no obvious shifts across the K-P boundary. The magnetic susceptibility signature during the Maastrichtian reveals a subtle cyclic (or rhythmic) pattern, whereas a high-amplitude cyclic pattern is present during the early Danian. The K-P event deposit shows a succession of high-energetic debris flows and turbidites derived from multiple source areas, followed by a period of decreasing current energy. Deposition was likely triggered by multiple tsunami or tempestites followed by a prolonged period of reworking and settling. The Chicxulub ejecta at the base of the K-P event deposit consists of Mg-rich smectite-as well as Fe-Mg-rich chlorite-spherules. Their mineralogical composition points to target rocks of mafic to intermediate composition, presumably situated in the northwestern sector of the Chicxulub impact structure. Besides these silicic phases, the most prominent ejecta components are limestone clasts, accretionary carbonate clasts, and microspar, suggesting that the Texas area received ejecta also from shallow, carbonate-rich lithologies at the impact site on the Yucatan carbonate platform. The excellent correlation of Chicxulub ejecta at Brazos with ejecta found in the K-P boundary layer worldwide - along with the associated mass extinction - provides no evidence that Chicxulub predated the K-P boundary and allows for unequivocal positioning of the K-P boundary at the event deposit.
机译:利用多学科方法研究了得克萨斯州布拉索斯的两个岩心,该岩心横跨白垩纪-古近纪(K-P)边界,旨在揭示环境变化和层序地层学背景。此外,还研究了钾磷事件矿床的沉积学及其与钾磷边界的相关性。有孔虫和纳米化石地层表明,两个岩心都包括最新的马斯特里赫特(CF1-CF2区)和最早的大年纪(P0,Pα和P1a)页岩层序,在K-P边界处有含沙和Chicxulub喷出物的事件沉积。事件存放的不符合规定的基准可能会出现未知持续时间的中断。浮游有孔虫以及钙质纳米化石的丰度和多样性都在事件沉积之上急剧下降(K-P灭绝),而底栖有孔虫则显示出明显的动物群落变化,但没有灭绝。矿物学和地球化学代理表明,除了夹层的K-P事件沉积以外,没有跨K-P边界发生相变化,也没有观察到Chicxulub撞击后不利的缺氧或缺氧沉积条件的证据。因此,将包围K-P事件矿床的区间视为高位系统域。在最早的古新世(P0和Pα)期间,粗碎屑输入的增加和浮游/底栖有孔虫的比率较低,都表明沿海近距离增加或相对海平面降低,尽管浮游有孔虫的KP灭绝可能影响了市盈率也是如此。因此,早新世的砂质页岩被认为是晚期退回的高位矿床或低位矿床。在P1a期间,被指定为海侵体系的页岩覆盖在富含黄铁矿和青铝石的生物扰动海侵表面或2型层序边界上。蒙脱石为主的粘土组合,有少量伊利石,高岭石和绿泥石,表明半干旱湿润的气候,在K-P边界上没有明显的变化。马斯特里赫特时期的磁化率特征显示出一种微妙的循环(或有节奏)模式,而在大年纪早期则存在一个高振幅的循环模式。 K-P事件矿床显示出来自多个震源区的一系列高能泥石流和浑浊,随后是一段时间的电流能量下降。可能是由于多次海啸或暴风雨引起的沉积,然后经过长时间的返工和安置。 K-P事件矿床底部的Chicxulub喷出物由富含Mg的蒙脱石以及富含Fe-Mg的亚氯酸盐小球组成。它们的矿物组成指向了镁铁质至中间成分的目标岩石,大概位于Chicxulub冲击构造的西北部。除了这些硅质相以外,最突出的射流成分是石灰石碎屑,增生的碳酸盐碎屑和微晶石,这表明得克萨斯州地区也从尤卡坦碳酸盐岩台地撞击点处的浅层,富含碳酸盐岩的岩性中获得了射流。布拉索斯(Brazos)的Chicxulub射出物与全世界K-P边界层中发现的射出物之间存在极好的相关性-以及相关的质量绝灭-没有提供证据表明Chicxulub早于K-P边界,并且无法明确确定事件沉积处K-P边界的位置。



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